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Wedding Invitations

Your wedding day will be one of the most important days of your live. Mailing out quality wedding invitations is one way to show your friends and family how much this day means to you. All The Best Invitations is a website that specializes in tasteful, unique invitations for weddings, Bar Mitzvah's and more.

Their hundreds of different designs offer plenty of ways to showcase your feelings for your special occasion. "In the Orchard" prints feature lovely leaves of tangerine, mango and orange which add a splash of color to the bright white invitation. Three of the leaves are cut out, and a translucent envelope liner repeats the leaf pattern. "Candy Coated Chocolate" prints make a sweet treat for your wedding guests. The lettering is printed on a chocolate colored card in your choice of style and ink color. This is surrounded by a fuchsia wrap and tied with a matching chocolate grosgrain ribbon.

With a large assortment of wedding invitation ideas, they will help you to convey the perfect meaningful message. So no matter what special occasion you are celebrating, you will find the type of invitation you need at All The Best Invitations.


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