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Because there will be more laws tomorrow than there are today.

Speech Becomes A Little Less Free

In an article titled, Arrested Bush Dissenters Eye Courts, the Associated Press report that two teachers were recently jailed for having views that opposed those of President Bush.

"When school was canceled to accommodate a campaign visit by President Bush , the two 55-year-old teachers reckoned the time was ripe to voice their simmering discontent with the administration's policies.

Their reward: a pair of handcuffs and a strip search at the county jail.

Authorities say they were arrested because they refused to obey reasonable security restrictions, but the women disagree: "Because I had a dissenting opinion, they did what they needed to do to get me out of the way," said Nelson."

Protesters wave placards against the appearance of President George Bush as traffic passes on Hampden Avenue in southeast Denver.



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