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Because there will be more laws tomorrow than there are today.

Selling Property

Finding a location to sell property online is now easier than ever thanks to NetMovers, the UK's number one commission free property website.

At NetMovers the sellers privacy is paramount. Unlike other property sites, they will never display sellers' personal details alongside the property listing. Many property websites are simply holding sites. They often post your personal details including your full address and phone number and then hope that someone will ring you. But at NetMovers there is an account manager allocated to each property who is responsible for monitoring all viewings and offers.

Sellers are guaranteed that anyone arriving at the property has been financially screened and extensively communicated with at least 3 times by NetMovers prior to their arrival. And to speed along the process, NetMovers have hundreds of registered people looking to buy property who will be emailed or contacted with the details of your property. All potential buyers will either have a mortgage guarantee, or have funds in place where appropriate proof has been provided, such as an accountants' letter.

You make one payment, and your property is listed until it has sold, regardless of how long it takes. There are no hidden charges or administration costs. So if you are asking yourself, "Where can I sell my house?", the answer is


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