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Religious Tattoos

Religious tattoos have become one of the hottest sectors of the tattoo industry, accounting for nearly 20% of the total number of tattoos currently being created. Once condemned by the church as “a form of deviltry,” religious tattoo designs have now become a great way for modern-day Christians to express a commitment to their faith in a new and radical way.

Rank My Tattoos is an excellent source for anyone wishing to learn more about religious tattoos.

They explain that religious tattoos are extremely popular with both evangelical Christians and people of more secular beliefs as a way to make an outward statement of their faith. Of these, Angel tattoos and cross tattoos seem to dominate the Christian tattoo market, with many varieties of each being available. Some in the church community point to scripture in the book of Leviticus that says ‘Do not put tattoo markings on yourself.”  But many will counter that the verse directly before that one says we shouldn't shave…and nobody considers not shaving a sin.

What is clear is that getting a religious tattoo isn't simply a charm or a decorative device, but for many is an outward sign of belief and a way to get closer to their chosen representation of God.



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