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Because there will be more laws tomorrow than there are today.

Invest in Your Future

Premier General Finance was created in 2004 to assist business owners, investors, and startup entrepreneurs in developing the most effective and productive solutions for obtaining lines of credit and funding. They aim to assist the small to medium size business owner obtain working capital for their business. Through their network, they can assist you in obtaining as much $500,000 in capital for your company, in as little as 7 days.

Due to their extensive list of funding resources in the industry, Premier General Finance Group is able to implement the latest and most effective stategies to ensure you move rapidly to the level needed to get funding for your venture and business programs. They have solid relationships with major consumer credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian, and Trans Union) as well as business credit bureaus and are able to get you the funding you deserve.

Premier General Finance has also pioneered a process that allows clients to legally and ethically raise their FICO scores as much as 100 points or more in as little as 30 days. Many types of business loans will require some form of personal guarantee, so their personal credit enhancement tools are engineered to assist clients in meeting those FICO score requirements. So, don't delay, apply for funding today.


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