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Plastic Surgery Blog

I recently found some great information on the blog of plastic surgeon George Lindemann. I read an interesting article on a study from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) recommending that "significantly obese women may wish to consider delaying breast reconstruction following mastectomy until they achieve a healthier body weight." The study found that “obese women are at higher risk for complications and have a lower satisfaction rate than do normal and overweight patients.”

Another article discusses the dangers of using the wrong filler in lip augmentations. Nearly 26,000 non-injectable procedures were performed in 2005, and the demand for lip augmentation continues, according to the ASPS.

Wondering if Britney Spears had a tummy tuck? "It isn't a secret that Britney Spears has gained more than just a few pounds when she got married two years ago. Now that she's given birth to a second child, rumors abound that Britney had a tummy tuck so she can gain a headstart in her quest to get that old "awesome and crazy" body back."

Whether you're looking for the most recent elebrity surgery, or the latest technologies in Botox treatments, visit the Plastic Surgery Blog to learn more today.


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