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Oil Paintings

Home decorating can be a tricky task. Will this sofa fit into the theme of my living room? Well there is one aspect that is easy for me: I know good art when I see it. Paintings can really bring a room to life, and infuse it with a sense of your personality that can't be achieved any other way.

Everyone would love to hang a Van Gogh or Picasso on their wall, but their million dollar price tags put them a bit out of reach for the majority of us. Instead of settling for a print, why not purchase a quality handmade oil painting reproduction from OverstockArt?

From their website you can browse their painting and by artist making it easy to find popular pieces from Van Gogh such as Starry Night, Cafe Terrace at Night, and many more. You can even browse their canvas art by subject, style, and painting size so you will have no trouble finding the perfect painting for you.

Another aspect I find really interesting is that OverstockArt will custom replicate a painting just for you. Should you be looking for a piece that they don't carry, or have family photos you would like to reproduce as oil paintings, they will commission an artist to create the painting you have always wanted.


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