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Offshore Merchant Account

Some online businesses may be considered high-risk. This includes such areas as online casinos, dating sites, pharmaceutical industries among others. If that's the case with your business, and you need to process online credit card payments, you will need to get an offshore merchant account. Offshore merchant accounts substitute normal merchant accounts, and let you work with USD currency from all over the world.

Global Payment Services is one of the most dynamic and fastest-growing companies in the online credit card processing industry. With their expertise and reliability, they can provide customers with the ability to accept credit cards, debit cards and checks online.

They offer services in eCommerce, Retail, Mail and Phone Orders, High Volume Merchant Accounts and more. From their credit card merchant service to their state-of-the-art payment gateway, Global Payment Services provides top quality services to their merchants, and that translates into benefits for you. So for all your merchant account needs, head to Global Payment Services.


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