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Miley Cyrus Fansite

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Ah! If we could all live the life of Hannah Montana, famous pop star by night (and a little of the day), and normal, regular girl-kid the rest of the time. We'd have the best of both worlds: one that holds great celebrity and fame, and a second that gives us that regular kind of life with family and friends (the very cool kind we see in Disney television series).

Well Miley Cyrus lives that life as the star of the new hit Disney show, "Hannah Montana". And there's no better place to join in the fun, than the Miley Cyrus Fansite. There you'll find a complete biography of Miley detailing her many roles including Big Fish, and the tv series Doc.

There's a photo gallery where you can find the latest pictures, and a news page to keep you up to date with Miley's career moves.

So for the internet's top Hannah Montana fansite, head to Be sure to stop in the forum, and let your voice be heard.


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