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Tacoma Storage Rental

If you've got a real storage problem, head to Maxi-Space, for the best selection of storage units, at the best prices. They have everything you need to store anything you've got. Their mini-storage boasts tall units, which means that you get more for your money! Many of their mini-storage units also feature a large storage shelf for added space. 

More than just storage space, Maxi-Space rents paint booths, band practice rooms, auto body and repair space, and more!

Maxi-Space's warehouse and shop rentals offers small and medium sized businesses the room to expand their operations. Their larger storage and warehouse spaces offer wide driveways, alarm systems for each space and tall/wide garage doors.  And to suit customer's needs, many of the warehouse spaces only require a month-to-month rental agreement.

Safety is a top concern for Maxi-Space. That is why their heated units all have automated sprinkler fire protection, something you won't find at most other storage facilities. They also offer digital closed-circuit television surveillance, door alarms motion detectors, and police monitored security systems.


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