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Make Money Online

Making money online used to pretty much require you to have your own Web site, products to sell and some marketing savvy. USWeb Blog explains the latest technique in internet marketing.

Blogitive is a website that allows you to make money through blog postings. If you don't have a blog, you can sign up for one for free through

Once your Blog qualifies, you can take part in Blogitive's web release program and start making money online. Through the web release program you will receive offers from Blogitive's clients with a short press release about the client's website and/or services. There will also be a word/phrase for you to hyperlink to the client's website. You accept the offer and just write a post in your own words about the web release, just like a publisher would do if they received a press release from a company, and link the word/phrase assigned to the URL provided in the offer. There is a great video tutorial on Blogitive to give you a better understand of how this all works. Once your Blog posting is approved you will usually earn $5 for the post you wrote for Blogitive. There are people on Blogitive that make $1000 per week through this Web Release Program.



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