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Because there will be more laws tomorrow than there are today.

Life Insurance Settlements

life insurance settlement is the sale to a third party of an existing life insurance policy for more than its cash surrender value. Most types of insurance policies qualify, and there are no restrictions of how the many can be used.

Life Insurance Settlements, Inc. (LIS) is one of the largest and most experienced brokers in the life settlement industry. Their years of experience in the industry as well as their solid relationships with funders allow LIS to negotiate the highest settlement offer on behalf of you and your client. With over 24,000 cases completed, LIS has earned a stellar reputation as a professional authority in insurance settlements.

While you're at their website, be sure to sign up for their free, online newsletter, and view an informative, flash presentation that answers all your questions about life settlements. They also offer easy access to the application forms that are required for each individual state. So if you're in need of a life insurance settlement, head to the pros at LIS Inc.


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