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Juicy Couture

Juicy Couture is a stylish contemporary line of casual apparel based in Pacoima, California . Juicy is well-known for their terry , velour , cashmere , and fleece tracksuits , which have been made famous by the many celebrities who wear them.

Entertaining slogans often adorn Juicy apparel, such as "Wake up and smell the Couture" and "Dude, Where's my Couture?". The signature Juicy Crest, as well as the phrases "Love, P&G" are stitched on the inside tag of each item of Juicy apparel.

From high fashion for men to the newest and cutest styles for women; Couture Clothing has got you covered. They carry Couture men's fashions like Custo shirts from Custo of Barcelona; Diesel shirts, Diesel Shoes, Paul Frank hats, shirts and shoes; and more.

For the ladies they're in no short supply of beautiful couture women's wear. Perpetual favorites like Frankie B jeans, Juicy Couture, cute bikinis by Susan Holmes and Nolita skirts are available in many sizes and colors. So for the best deals on designer clothing consignment, head over to Couture Clothing today.



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