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International Calling

In our increasingly connected world, making phone calls across the world has become more and more common. Until recently, these types of calls where very expensive and difficult to make. SmartGlobalCall is a website that helps you find the best deals from companies offering international calling plans.

They feature a plan called Tel3Advantage. It offers rates as low as 1.9 cents per minute with no monthly fees or contracts, and no setup fees. New customers receive over 400 free minutes and you can prepay in $25 increments with a credit card. With all the features of regular phone service, including speed dial, and the ability to use up to 10 phones on one account, there's no reason not to switch.

SmartGlobalCall's PC to Phone Shop has great options for people who want to travel with a computer, and make low cost domestic and international calls from any location. All you need is an internet connection, and SmartGlobalCall can set you up with a fantastic PC to phone service. They even offer some of the best deals on prepaid international phone cards, so head to their website today.


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