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Because there will be more laws tomorrow than there are today.

Integrative Medicine is the premier online community for integrative healthcare professionals. From their website you can get updates on the latest news in the community, engage in discussions, and read featured articles from a variety of authors. There is also a marketplace where advertisers can offer products for sale. The area featuring case studies is particularly interesting and explains how a 78 year old man was treated for Lyme’s Disease through integrative medicine and acupuncture.

They offer some great suggestions on how to incorporate aspects of alternative medicine into your practice. They suggest that a mission statement makes for a good starting point because they can guide the direction of your efforts and that of your staff. It should be clearly stated, easily understood, and capable of being communicated to your staff and patients. Also, your mission statement should be kept fresh by periodically being evaluated, then updated if warranted. Once your mission statement is formulated, it’s time to set your goals. These could include things such as increasing your number of patients by 25% by next quarter. Having a successful practice requires a strong management structure and realistic planning. For information on alternative medicine, member discussions and more, visit


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