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Because there will be more laws tomorrow than there are today.

Houston's Finest Plastic Surgeon

Texans are fortunate to have access to the talents of facial plastic surgeon Russell W. H. Kridel, M.D., F.A.C.S., who is one of the best Houston plastic surgeons. Because his skills are well known and widely admired, Dr. Kridel is often invited to speak at worldwide meetings of doctors, and only a few years ago, he was named president of a prestigious academy of facial plastic surgeons who perform the lion's share of facial cosmetic surgery in the United States today.

Extremely articulate at describing procedures and benefits, Dr. Kridel has been interviewed by the CBS Early Show in New York, featured often in national magazines, and has been a featured medical authority for Texas publications and TV segments.

Dr. Kridel has been in private practice in Houston, Texas, since 1981, and he specializes in cosmetic surgery of the face and neck, with special emphasis on cosmetic and reconstructive rhinoplasty and aging face surgery . He is a noted expert in primary rhinoplasty and nasal reconstruction following accidents or unsuccessful surgeries performed elsewhere. Patients from all over the world come to Dr. Kridel to have him do their septal perforation surgery . He is a noted specialist in this very difficult surgical procedure. Also, he is spearheading the largest ongoing study in the U.S. on the use of irradiated cartilage grafting in nose reconstruction.

So if you're considering plastic surgery, don't settle for anything less than the best. Contact Dr. Kridel and schedule an appointment today.


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