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Because there will be more laws tomorrow than there are today.

The State's High Cost of Government

I recently found an article from the Williamsport Sun-Gazette that I agree with wholeheartedly. I will post it here in its' entirety.

"As the Legislature and Gov. Rendell get down to the grimy business of fashioning a state budget, there is this sobering note from the nonpartisan Commonwealth Foundation: Pennsylvanians are paying $8,213 per capita for state and local government. What's more, that government spending has increased nearly 11 percent in just two years, largely due to the Rendell administration.

Every idea that requires new spending from government is not a bad idea. The problem is that the new ideas seldom replace old, outdated spending items. They are added on. That comes from not enough hard decisions being made at all levels of government, but particularly, it seems, on the state level.

It's not healthy when big government is a growth industry. Certainly, the average family in Pennsylvania cannot afford this amount of money for government services. Our plea is simple to the Legislature and governor: Be careful this spring when discussing the new budget. We can afford practical ideas, but when one new spending item is added, examine the others to see what's outdated, impractical, or costs too much.

Clearly, $8,213 a year for state and local government is too much."


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