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Finest Hair Transplant in Manhattan

Dr. Pistone actually gives you back your natural hair, and your natural hairline. It's simple, safe, and affordable and best of all it looks completely normal, because it is. It's your own hair regrowing along your own hairlines. New Jersey hair restoration surgeon Dr. Pistone not only restores your hair , but also your pride and self-confidence.

Selecting the right surgeon is critical. When you choose Dr. Pistone you get Dr. Pistone. His practice is not affiliated with a hair clinic or a franchise. It's just Dr. Pistone and his highly experienced, loyal team – always there for you. Dr. Pistone has established the benchmark in his field. From Philadelphia, USA to Paris, France - patients around the world know the leader in restorative hair surgery.

Dr. Pistone has performed over 6,000 procedures. He is one of a handful of doctors in the entire country utilizing the very latest techniques in Stereo-Microscopic Hair Transplantation – a revolutionary procedure. Dr. Pistone is one of the few surgeons in the world who is double board-certified in both Surgical Hair Restoration and Dermatology. He is one of only 40 surgeons worldwide recognized by the International Alliance of Hair Restoration Surgeons for professional and ethical excellence. Dr. Pistone's name and reputation are synonymous with experience, skill, artistry and ethics. All of Dr. Pistone's patients benefit from the latest hair transplant technology , including shorter recovery time and safer solutions for permanent healthy hair.

From Manhattan their offices are only about an hour and a half drive, and they have plenty of travel and entertainment packages to make your journey a pleasant and convenient one. For the finest, hair transplant in Manhattan, visit Dr. Pistone Hair Restoration.


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