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Great Caricatures

What do you buy, for the person who has everything? This is always a tough question around Christmas and birthdays, especially if you know someone who already has all the "typical" presents. Well ExaggerArt has a great solution that I'd love to receive as a present: personalized, color caricatures.

For just $50, you receive a professionally drawn, high resolution caricature file, delivered via email. Three levels of exaggeration are available so you can pick what works best for you. For an additional fee, other people and objects can be included in your caricature drawing.

Your caricature will generally arrive within 5 business days from receiving your order. ExaggerArt also makes easy to get your picture printed onto a variety of objects including, T-shirts, mugs, buttons, mousepads, and caledars. With digital printing to over 80 different products, you'll be sure to create a unique and pesonal gift. Their artists book up fast so order now and avoid delays!


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