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Because there will be more laws tomorrow than there are today.

George Lindemann Jr. writes a interesting article on Miami's splendid rise to becoming the "home of the international art world."

The author speaks glowingly about an event at Miami Beach. "I'd been hearing about the scene since early last winter, when the art world and anyone remotely connected with it had collectively tossed their heavy coats and headed south to the first annual Art Basel Miami Beach, a franchise of the international art fair held every June since 1969 in Basel, Switzerland. The reports were beyond glowing. The band Fischerspooner performed at George Lindemann's island estate, Karl Lagerfeld held court in the Shore Club pool, and galleries from Berlin to Los Angeles exhibited new cutting-edge talent in ship containers on the beach. "You should have been there!" was all I heard for months afterward. "

"George Lindemann, Jr., a multimillionaire collector and museum benefactor in his thirties, was sitting cross-legged on the floor joking with Tom Healy, a poet, collector, and prominent figure on the international art circuit."

It's an engaging read, that is sure to educate you about Miami, the country's latest art hot-spot.



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