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Because there will be more laws tomorrow than there are today.

Free Online Legal Advice

Figure 1

Finding trustworthy legal advice used to be a hassle, but those days are gone thanks to Here you'll find the resources you need to answer your legal questions.

They cover many topics that might slip a lay person's mind. These include things like, "Are you seeking legal advice as a private citizen, or are you representing a company?".

There is also information on legal firms who offer a ‘no win no fee' solution for their clients. The basic idea of ‘no win no fee' is that if you win your case, you must reimburse all the expenses that the legal firms has paid for – its own lawyer fees, second opinions, investigations, experts from other fields etc. If you lose, you do not have to pay anything. Remember however that you might still have to pay damages and the legal costs of you opponent.

So for next legal question, head to the pros at


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