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Flaming Gorge

Are you looking for the ultimate mountain getaway? Flaming Gorge Resort is located in the High Uinta Mountains in northeastern Utah. The breathtaking vistas and alpine meadows make it one of the most beautiful locales in the state.  The resort offers a unique blend of activities and accommodations all throughout the year. During the winter months, over 250 miles of the Uinta Basin's snowmobile trails are available to Flaming Gorge hotels visitors making it a true winter sport wonderland. With one of the longest winter seasons in Utah, the Resort is located near a number of finely groomed trails.

In the summer it becomes a fisherman’s paradise. The Flaming Gorge Reservoir holds the current state record trout for Kokanee Salmon, Rainbow, Brown and Lake Trout. The area offers some of Utah's best flat water fishing. Fly fishing and rafting are available along the glorious Green River below the dam. Flaming Gorge Resort also has a great fly shop and guide service to help fishermen find ‘the big ones’. They even have a shuttle service for fishers and rafters who want to float the river on their own. There are also plenty of other activities such as swimming, water skiing, and boating so for your next vacation, consider Flaming Gorge lodge.


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