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Finest in Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is a type of plastic surgery that is used to improve the function (reconstructive surgery) or appearance (cosmetic surgery) of a person's nose . Rhinoplasty is also commonly called a nose job and can be performed to meet aesthetic goals or for reconstructive purposes to correct birth defects or breathing problems. It can be combined with other surgical procedures such as chin augmentation to enhance the aesthetic results.

It can be performed under a general anesthetic or with local anesthetic, depending on patient or doctor preference. Incisions are made inside the nostrils. Sometimes, tiny, inconspicuous incisions are also made on the columella, the bit of skin that separates the nostrils. The surgeon first separates soft tissues of the nose from the underlying structures, then reshapes the cartilage and bone causing the perceived deformity.

The Rhinoplasty Center of New Jersey plastic surgery, is an educational website provided by Dr. Daniel G. Becker, MD, FACS. Here you can view before and after photos of rhinoplasty performed by Dr. Becker in the photo album, find answers to your questions, and learn about the anatomy of the nose and the concept of the 'ideal nose'.

The website also contains a section entitled About the Nose , explaining with illustrations, the different components of a nose. Learn about the the artistic and scientific basis of how a surgeon determines the "ideal nose" for you when planning your nose surgery. There is also a detailed and illustrated explanation of some of the surgical techniques used in rhinoplasty .


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