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Digital Signage

Helius is a company known for developing world-class IP broadcasting solutions for businesses. Their products provide an open application platform for the simple, secure, and reliable delivery of IP applications over satellite and local area networks. They have created a novel way of getting your message to your customers called dynamic Digital Signage.

The Helius Digital Signage solution provides flexible and automated content delivery and display to multiple screens or locations from a single device. Their digital signage solutions combine IP unicast or multicast technology, a single server delivering content to multiple locations and your choice of content to each display device.

What is so revolutionary here is that Helius' technologies enable the delivery of video and data content to digital displays replacing traditional printed signage. This allows the provider and retailer the opportunity to literally speak to and/or interact with their prospects on the sales floor, directly influencing purchase decisions.  Digital Signage opens the doors to presenting the right message at the right time, to the right audience.


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