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Because there will be more laws tomorrow than there are today.

Dems called Social Security Plan "Dangerous" reports that in the Democrats' weekly radio broadcast, the Democratic candidate for a Denver-area House seat, Ed Perlmutter, called for Democrats to rally in opposition to Bush's proposed Social Security overhaul.

"We can and must stop them -- right now, before it's too late," Ed Perlmutter said in the Democrats' weekly radio address. "Just last year, Democrats stood up to President Bush and the Republicans in Congress, and fought back against this dangerous proposal and defeated it."

It's obvious that he doesn't understand when he says this...

Instead of looking out for taxpayers' interests, Republicans "are sending billions of dollars to special interests in giveaways that taxpayers are paying for," he said.

He doesn't get that that we "the taxpayers" don't want to have to pay anything, and don't want anything in return. Let us handle our retirement. We're responsible enough to know that if we don't save, then we won't have anything for later.

Democrats think we're all so stupid. They need to hold our hands through everything... Well newsflash! You don't!


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