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Degree Programs

Accreditation is an important credential to look for when choosing a university. If you have credits to transfer, you want to make sure both universities are accredited and allow transfer of credits. Accreditation is also important for your degree to be recognized by employers and professional associations.

As an accredited university, Capella University takes online education to a higher level. They believe that real, life-changing learning can only take place in an environment of academic excellence, challenge, and engagement.

A leader in degree programs, Capella University offers distance learning programs that fit your schedule. As a Capella learner, you can access online courserooms using any Internet connection, anytime, anywhere. Best of all, round-the-clock access allows you to download assignments, read and contribute to class discussions, review faculty feedback, and more at your convenience!

If you're looking for how education can fit into your busy life, try an accredited e-learning program at Capella University.


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