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Because there will be more laws tomorrow than there are today.

Custom Flip Flops

Neet Feet has come up with a great new form of advertising that lets you leave your message in the sand. They are the originators of the "talking sole" which are die cut custom flip flops that leaves your custom message in your footprints.

They supply the finest footwear, flip flops and other promotional products such as beach bags and mats. Visit their testimonials page to see what others are saying. Everyone from Fortune 500 companies to resorts and spas have been pleased with Neet Feet's promotional sandals. Because their factories are in China and the Philippines, they don't require large minimum orders.

Their virtual sandal studio will allow you to design a custom sandal, and see how it looks during the process. For a truly novel form of advertising, try Neet Feet's promotional sandals.


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