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Construction Estimating

Construction estimating software aids engineers in providing estimates of the costs, materials, and quantities necessary for construction projects. The software was generally bulky and required large amounts of computing power. PlanSwift is an intuitive, easy-to-navigate construction takeoff and estimating software program that makes working on, managing and sharing any blueprint, from anywhere, easier than you ever thought possible, right on your computer screen. Even if you've never used a computer before, you can use PlanSwift. 

Ideal for architects, contractors and subcontractors, PlanSwift is the paperless way to make your job fast, simple and hassle free, whether you're generating take offs – or even taking your plans on site.  No matter what your trade: concrete, framing, flooring, electrical, plumbing, asphalt paving, lumber, carpet, tile or any other construction or contractor trade, Plan Swift's construction cost estimating software can help you do it the easy way.

PlanSwift can load scanned plans as well as import directly from .TIF, .PDF - Adobe, .DXF, .DWG - AutoCAD, .PLN - Dodge Plan files, .JPG, and more. Estimators can measure footage, pitch and angles in seconds with a simple point and click.  The software is user friendly, and still provides the power and flexibility you need to fit your business.  The best part is, you can download the construction estimating software to see for yourself.  


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