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Computer Based Training

Computer based training is one of the best ways to have employee effectively acquire new IT skills. K Alliance offers complete e-learning solutions on CD-ROM, Itranet, or online computer training video video courseware. Their training courses cover hundreds of topics including IT certification, Desktop Office, and Soft Skills.

These programs can allow participants much greater freedom than traditional IT training. If you take one of their self-study training courses, you can work on your PC or laptop where and when you want. You can learn at your own pace, as you build up to the self assessments, quizzes, and hands-on practice lab simulations that are included in the programs. With a broadband internet connection, you can participate in web based training. The online training programs are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

If an off the shelf product isn’t quite what you want, K Alliance will work with you to develop a customized training course to your specialized learning needs. With a video-based training course from K Alliance, learning new skills or mastering material for certification is just a few keystrokes away.


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