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Celebrity Blog

Damn I'm Cute is a hot new celebrity blog with the latest celebrity gossip, and pictures. Read about Tom and Katie's wedding, and how Angelina Jolie's bodyguards are in hot water, again. The style of writing is unique and upbeat. The humor that is thrown in makes this blog a blast to read. Take this post about how Ashlee Simpson has been losing weight.

"Ashlee appears to be getting on the way too thin side of fat lately – not unlike every other “young starlet” in this crazy town. Any moment now we'll have a statement from her reps telling us:

  1. Ashlee's been under a lot of stress and has been losing weight.
  2. Ashlee was working with a nutritionist for her role as Roxie Hart in Chicago and has been working out frequently.
  3. Ashlee just naturally started losing weight when her baby fat came off
  4. Ashlee always had a thin frame

Oh, and the list could go on and on. Send me a post with your guess as to what you think the thin excuse will be. "

For a creative look on Hollywood, and the celebrities it creates, visit Damn I'm Cute.


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