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Cabo San Lucas Villas

Everyone needs a vacation from time to time. Beautiful Cabo San Lucas in one of the fastest growing resort areas in Mexico. Known for its 350 sunny days a year, it is an incredible destination filled with international restaurants, terrace bars and nightclubs. While you're there, visit Lover's Beach and the resident sea lion colony, and enjoy a variety of water sports including parasailing, snorkeling, and scuba diving.

Cabo's Elite Getaways is a website that offers you the great deals on Cabo San Lucas vacation rentals. Their rental homes are located in the most pristine gated communities of Cabo San Lucas: Cabo del Sol, Punta Ballena and Palmilla. There is covered, secure parking within each condominium building and attached garages for the villas. Local telephone services connect through direct lines and in many cases VoIP lines and wireless DSL access to the internet. Each of our vacation homes has thermostatically controlled air conditioning and a generous hot water system for those relaxing Jacuzzi baths. Individual housekeeping, full concierge services and catering services are available.

Cabo San Lucas villas are the perfect way to relax and get away from the stresses of your everyday life. For the vacation of a lifetime, visit Cabo's Elite Getaways.


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