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Budgeting Software

When you think of budgeting software, you think of spreadsheets. But this is a limitation. There are many things that Excel can't do and more and more organizations are finding that their budgeting processes require more functionality and different capabilities.

Applix's new software, TM1, works seamlessly with Excel, augments it's flexible real-time "what if?" modeling functionality, and vastly expands it's capability. TM1 makes the budgeting process easier, quicker, and more accurate. TM1 is a unified application - streamlining the entire BPM/CPM process including planning, budgeting, forecasting and financial reporting and analysis.

If your forecasting software is complicated by separate workbooks and complex lookup formulas, then you're spending too much time organizing information. If you're manually consolidating spreadsheets or facing inaccuracies in budgeting and forecasting, you're not reaching your business goals in a timely way. Applix TM1 software is the solution to your forecasting and budgeting needs.


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