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Borat Videos

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Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan, is the full name of the number one movie in America. Taking in $26.4 million on a limited release of 837 screens during its first weekend, it beat out Fahrenheit 9/11 as the biggest opening weekend for a film released in under 1,000 theaters. The film follows Borat in his travels across the United States as he commits cultural solecisms and exposes a few American ones. Over the course of the film, Borat falls in love with Pamela Anderson after watching a re-run of Baywatch and vows to make her his wife.

Borat Videos is a great new site that compiles the best of Sacha Baron Cohen, all in one place. Videos are sorted by most popular, and latest additions. While you're there, be sure to watch the Borat Movie Trailer. With almost 1700 videos viewed today, people all across the web are finding a new home for Borat videos.


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