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A+ Certification

If you are interested in entering the computer support field then a Microsoft Certification can be the ace in your back pocket. In fact, a credential such as A+ certification not only validates your skills in tasks such as installation, diagnostics, configuring, performing preventative maintenance, and basic networking, it is becoming a qualifying factor in the hiring process.

CBT Planet is where professionals turn for the most comprehensive computer and employee career training offerings. Their goal is to bring instruction to life, therefor they offer many different learning formats for their A+ course including self-paced computer training, live online computer classes and more.

Whether you desire to be IT Technician, Help Desk Support, or a variety of technical roles, getting certified will improve your resume. And if you want to get your credential quickly, attending one of CBT Planet's A+ boot camps is the way to go. Make an investment in yourself, and head to CBT Planet for A+ Certification training today.


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